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Information about the technical process of congress (online and offline) via ZOOM

For online users:
Our conference will be organized in the following order:
    You must download and install ZOOM. If you have Zoom already, please go to next section.
    Zoom distributive can be found here: On this page they have it for most devices include phone, iPad etc.
    Most time however, you will install it on desktop computer.
    As an alternative, you can use zoom inside your browser, but we do not recommend it.
    After installation completes, please look for zoom meeting links inside our schedulers.
    The schedulers will be published and updated here:
     or here
    There are 2 types of meetings in our congress:
    Common meeting (plenary session): this meeting starts every day at the same time at the same place. Zoom link will also be the same; you can go to this link every day and join.
    Section meeting (session): this type of meeting will be different every day. Section meetings are organized in such a way that up to 6 meetings take place at the same time, though in different rooms. These meetings are scheduled the day before, - every meeting has its unique zoom link, you can look for this link inside scheduler table. The table is located here:
    or here
    during section meetings you can jump from one to another by simply switching to another zoom link as if you join a new meeting.
    Some meetings will be translated from Russian into English on the fly. When you join meeting, look for small globe pic at the bottom. There is a choice of language. In our case Russian (original) or English.
    We will send a link for the 1st Common meeting soon, no later than 15th September

For offline users:
    If you attend Conference on premises, and if you want to be able to have translation to English, here is what you must do:
    You must have Zoom on one of your devices (phone, laptop etc.). If you don’t have zoom installed, please look at the previous section (for online users 1.1.)
    You need headphones in order to listen translation during meeting. Using zoom on the meeting without headphones will not be possible and is prohibited. Please keep this in mind beforehand and bring headphones with you.
    After you complete zoom installation and join meeting, look for small globe pic at the bottom. There is a choice of language. In our case Russian (original) or English

Konstantin Zenkin